Intuitive User Interface for optimal power usage​

On board the recently launched Vertom Joy, Smart-Ship has implemented its intuitive graphical user interface to allow for optimal power usage and interaction with the hybrid propulsion system.

The 128 meter long MPP and general cargo ship has already been used to transfer windmill blades and is the fourth vessel to be sailing on the European Caribbean Line. Next to that its diesel-electric propulsion allows the vessel to sail in and out of ports on clean electric energy when slow-steaming, making it even more environmentally friendly.

Smart-Ship’s intuitive Graphical User Interface enables the operators of the vessel to constantly be aware of how to apply the hybrid propulsion system, making sure the Vertom Joy can sail in and out of harbors with little to no environmental impact.


Smart-Ship’s Human Factors specialists have developed HMI solutions which provide customers with more insight in their operations, energy management, maintenance and incidents.

By bringing relevant data from sensors and (3rd party) information systems across the ship together in real time through our visualisation interface, operators can intuitively respond when required, improving operational efficiencies and reducing maintenance costs.

Learn more about our Haptic Control Levers