Graduation news

Great news! Florian Dan Chiriac, who has been a member of the Smart-Ship team for the past 6 months, recently graduated with a 9/10 for his design of the new Smart-Ship throttle lever.

“I have always loved motor vehicles and the Smart-Ship team taught me a lot about a field I had little knowledge of.

I found the throttle lever to be a very inspiring and challenging project so I strived to create a well-rounded embodiment to enhance the force-feedback technology they created. 
The outcome granted me with a grade of 9 out of 10, thus making me graduate with distinction from the Industrial Design Engineering course at The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

I would like to thank the team and my supervisors for showing helpfulness and professionalism as well as let them know that I am now feeling confident and enthusiastic to keep doing my best in the coming projects.”

We wish him the best with his future studies and career!

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