SMASH! partnership & interview

In May Smart-Ship joined the Netherlands Forum Smartshipping (SMASH!). We’re very proud to be a part of the SMASH!-Community, and are looking forward to continue enabling a more safe and sustainable future for the maritime sector through our cooperation with the community.

With our technology, we transfer crucial information through forces and vibrations to operators, both aboard and onshore. This enables them to seamlessly control their ship by understanding its movements and environment better.

It is a combination of technologies from the SMASH!-Community that will eventually enable remote and (semi-)autonomous shipping in a sustainable and economically feasible way.

Two weeks ago the SMASH! newsletter featured an interview with Brent, in which he elaborates on the Smart-Ship technology and our mission to ensure a safe and sustainable future for the maritime sector. Read the full article on the website of SMASH! through the link below (the article is in Dutch):

#smartshipping #smash #netwerkpartner #autonomous #interview #smartship

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